Unlimited draft revisions for up to 30 days; final product of editable Word doc, PDF, and 15 high quality paper copies
Experience = 0-2 years.
Great for students, recent grads, or those with a limited job history. Your resume is created from scratch after a thorough consultation/interview session to identify your strengths and marketable skills.
Includes interview coaching with mock interview recording and feedback
Experience = 2 - 5 years
Through consultation/interview session, career history is reviewed and a high-quality resume is developed that emphasizes education, key skills and truly highlights your contributions to previous employers.
Experience = 5+ years (Leader or Senior associate)
Through consultation/interview session, career history is reviewed and a high-quality resume is customized towards professionals with management to executive aspirations. A resume is developed that highlights your projects, accomplishments, and tangible experiences that have been key to your development as a professional in your desired field.
These services may be added onto any resume order
Summarizing points of your resume that you wish to highlight, a cover letter is a great way to add a personal touch to your application and discuss your interest in the desired position.
Ease the anxiety of the interview by feeling prepared and confident! Interview coaching involves a review of prospective interview questions that are relevant to the field of choice to help you feel confident in your answers. The mock interview will be recorded, reviewed, and feedback will be provided. Factors, such as appropriate dress, speech, and body language will also be analyzed. The interview coaching session is approximately 1-1.5hr long.